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Government website services should preferentially adopt new HTML standards (such as HTML5) and have cross-browser compatibility

In the "Management Specifications for Government Website Services", it is clearly stipulated that government website services should preferentially adopt the new HTML standards (such as HTML5) proposed by  international organizations W3C and WHATWG, and have cross-browser compatibility. Government website services should ensure that the design and development process uses HTML syntax that is supported by the latest and previous major versions of common browsers (such as Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Safari, etc.).


According to the underlying technology of the browser, the core of Edge is Blink (the same core of Chrome), and the core of IE is Trident, so the two should be regarded as different browsers. Internet Explorer 11 is scheduled to be phased out and end support on June 15, 2022. Apps and websites that use Internet Explorer 11 can be opened in Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge.